As human beings, we all have a continuous list of things we want, and some of these things we know it is only a matter of time before we will have them, however some of our desires aren’t as easy to believe that they will in fact transpire. The truth is, most of us are really good at allowing our inner dialogue to take over listing off all the reasons why our desires are not probable, yet the truth is most things are achievable as long as we believe that we can have them and take the action that is in alignment with the thing that we want. If there is in fact something in which you desire, however you are struggling with believing it can be yours, then I encourage you to read on, for with a better understanding, you may find your dreams and desires are not only plausible but also may come with more ease than you may have originally anticipated
Aligning Your Belief System With Your Desire
Every dream that anyone ever had, in which came into fruition began in the mind. A thought was born and then that person had to act in accordance with that desire, for example, let’s say someone decides that they want to be a fitness model, however in present time they are 30 pounds over weight and never exercise, it is not impossible for this person to become a fitness model, however they would have to believe that they in fact could achieve their goal, and then their actions would need to follow suit with most likely daily exercise and a change in their diet. Even though the action must follow, before one can achieve anything, they must believe it is possible. A personal example of this would be during a time when my children and I lived with my mother for an extended amount of time. I had left a toxic relationship, and only meant to reside with my mother for a short time, yet to my surprise I was diagnosed with breast cancer, which caused me to find myself dependent on my mothers assistance. It was once I had fully recovered from chemotherapy and was deemed cancer free, in which I began to desire to have my own place with my two children, however I struggled with the belief system, that I in-fact could afford a home and adequately provide for me and my family. I had lived dependent on my mother for such a lengthy amount of time, in which my brain truly had trouble believing I could be self-sufficient. I had to consciously get control of my thoughts, and tell myself that I could in-fact afford a home big enough for the three of us. I decided to only nurture thoughts in which told me I could achieve this, and I began to take control of my finances and cut out any unnecessary spending in which took me further away from my desire. The action of getting control of my finances, helped to increase my personal belief system, in which told me that I could afford the home I had wanted. It is important, when struggling with believing you can achieve your goal, to perform actions that align with what you want. We have all heard the phrase, “fake it until you make it.” This idea originates with social psychologist, Amy Cuddly who teaches to do the thing that you want to do until you not only believe it, but become it, therefore if you don’t believe you can do or have something, act like you know it is possible and it will help to transform your belief system which will eventually change your personal experience
Requesting Divine Assistance
It is my belief that inviting God to assist us in every decision we make is essential in creating optimal ease in each of our experiences, yet we have been given the free will to only rely on ourselves and our humanly resources if we so choose. It is when our goals appear unlikely due to unfavorable circumstances, in which I encourage you most to call on God for support in removing obstacles. In effort to prove how much calling in spiritual assistance can shift an unfavorable outcome, I will continue with my story of acquiring the home I had wanted. Once I felt I was financially ready to find my home, I went searching for my new residence, only to be quickly discouraged due to the cost of rent in California had sky rocketed and I was required to prove I made three times the rental payment asked of me. I could not prove this, because I did not earn three times the rent. I called on God for help by writing him a letter stating all that I had wanted in a home. In this letter I had asked for a three bedroom, with a yard, in one of two small cities in which were close to my children’s schools, and I had asked that the monthly rent be $1600.00 or under. I ended this letter stating, in which I had only wanted this if it was truly God’s will and if it wasn’t, I asked to be sent the home that was for me. That evening a three bedroom home in one of the two cities I had wanted, became available to rent for $1595.00. I immediately applied, and my application was sixth in line to be reviewed, and although everyone told me I wouldn’t get it, I felt like it was meant for me. Seven weeks went by and during that time I became discouraged, and applied for another home only to get denied. I figured God must have a plan, so I tried to stay in faith, and this is when a miracle transpired. I received a call from the property management company in charge of renting out the original home that I had wanted, and they had notified me that I moved first in line to rent the home I had wanted. The woman on the other line sounded frazzled, and in a hurry to get me to sign their rental agreement. I had told her I could come as soon as the next day, and she sounded more than pleased. The property management never asked me to prove that I made three times the rent, and not because it wasn’t their policy, but because God created a miracle and made the impossible, possible. Here is what happened, someone did rent my home, however it fell through, and all the people waiting in line before me had found other homes. The owner, whom lived out of state became angry with the property management company, because he had lost a month of rent, and after giving the company a piece of his mind is when the frazzled woman on the other end had called me. I believe they were so desperate to get me in, they disregarded many of their policies. I moved in without previewing the home first, however I truly felt this was supposed to be my sanctuary, and I was right. My home is perfect in an unbelievably sought after neighborhood, and my kids and I couldn’t be happier. Every day I think to myself how grateful I am to live in the home that God picked out for me. I am hoping this story encourages you to push away any worries you may have, when thinking of the logistics in how a desire might be achieved. Give your worries to God and let go of fear, allow yourself to practice faith and potentially play witness to a miracle. If something is for you, and you have asked for it, then know when the timing is right, it will in fact be yours.
Ask, Believe, and Receive
It is human nature to lose faith when a particular desire is taking a lengthy time to transpire, however this is when it is most important to strengthen your mind in believing that all is possible. Yes, sometimes there are things, in which we want that simply aren’t meant for us, however for the most part as long as we align our actions with what we desire, it has been my experience, that they will manifest in the most perfect timing. It is important to observe ourselves in the process of creation, and make sure we are moving with the flow of what we asked for. Take, for example, a person who is wanting to pursue a career in acting, they would need not only to ask, but attend acting classes and auditions, all while believing that their dream will come into fruition when it is meant to. It is a practice to stay in faith when things appear stagnant, however it is this practice in which one experiences the most growth. Trust that all is happening for you as opposed to happening to you, and your life experience will begin to move with ease. We all are where we are supposed to be according to our own level of awareness, and God is patient and constantly giving us experiences in which pave the way towards the path of our deepest held desires. Stay in faith, and know that all is coming.
This is Paul’s first comment from 10/17/21